About Kim
“With one small shift, the whole picture changes”
If I could hold the kaleidoscope of life in my hands, and turn it, precisely in tune with each person I meet, and help them transform their relationship with money – then I would be living my perfect life!
My goal is to inspire you to take control of your money; to become its master and to help you put money in its right place.
It’s about making a kaleidoscope shift, turning the kaleidoscope until the perfect image emerges; a picture where your money aligns with meaning, to enable the ideal vision you have for your life.
My motto when it comes to money, is to be inspired, be brave and be on purpose. I want you to be inspired to pay attention to your life and your money, and to make sure that money serves your goals and make your dreams possible. The more attention you pay to your money, the more attention you are, in fact, paying to yourself.
Besides loving what I do, I am also a wife, mother, sister and friend. Like you, I face the challenge of keeping my life in balance every day!
Enjoy exploring this website. My wish is that that you are able to shift to a Mindset where Meaning is a non-negotiable, and Money is in its right place as your enabler.

I have chosen a kaleidoscope as my brand emblem; for me it is a symbol of possibility and potential.
You can lose yourself gazing at a beautiful pattern, mesmerised by the colours, reflections and light. Then … the smallest movement can create a completely new beautiful image, or, if you keep rotating the tube, you can endlessly watch shapes constantly cartwheeling around. The image is always changing, reinventing, molding and shaping itself into something different.
Interestingly enough, the parts or portions that make up the kaleidoscope always stay the same shape and size. It is only the orientation that changes when the kaleidoscope is turned.
Imagine looking at your life through the tube of a kaleidoscope. Imagine that the portions of your life make up the kaleidoscope. Are the parts ideally proportioned? Have some parts perhaps lost their original shape or size? Does it create a wholesome picture?
Now try looking at your life through the kaleidoscope from a different perspective. This takes some critical thinking and self-analysis. Think about your life; reflect on your actions and decisions; dream about your life as a perfect kaleidoscopic image; imagine what parts of your life you could change to create the perfect picture; plan how you will create your ideal life; then live it abundantly!
Remember to keep on learning, for as we learn, we makes changes to plot an even more enlightened course, and then, for a most rewarding life, share your wealth of wisdom.
The parts of your life as a kaleidoscope are already in place, inside you, and all you may have to do, is just to look at the kaleidoscope of your life in a new way. With just one small shift, the whole picture changes and creates an image where money aligns perfectly with the pattern of your ideal world, enabling you to master your relationship with money.