A blend brings flavour to life!

Kim Potgieter
You may have heard Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw’s belief that “Youth is wasted on the young.”
Presumably, he thought that only maturity allows you to make best use of the gifts of youth – health, beauty, naivety and a sense of invincibility – without squandering them on frivolities.
But I think our differences are essential for a varied and rich co-existence.

I love seeing how the younger and older generations are able to share their strengths to create a beautiful result. Each generation has so much to learn from the other – what a waste to dismiss the older as irrelevant and the younger asirresponsible. So often a flavour is enhanced by a blend: spices, tea, coffee, tobacco, whiskey.
Lessons about sufficiency

In life planning meetings, I frequently chat to clients who habitually put the needs of others before their own.
Yes, it is often an unselfish attitude to life that allows them to sublimate their own wants in favour of making others happy. But, to have value to ourselves and others, we need to treat ourselves with the same consideration – with utmost kindnessand care. That’s why I love the article by our Retirementor, Joni Peddie, in this newsletter.
How much is enough is a book I read a number of times while studying to be a financial planner. The updated edition has just been launched and Andrew Bradley, one of the authors,shared with us at a Lifestyle Lunch at Chartered House. Enjoy reading the article on his lessons. Click here to access the article.
A not-to-be-missed film . . .
I have included a brief review of ‘The Intern’, a film I have been to see more than once because of the inspirational message. I hope you will appreciate it as much as I did. Click here to read my film review.
A passion passed on from dad
Chartered client, Randall Everson, has a passion for MG cars. This love was ignited in 1960 when his father offered to buy him a car if he obtained a university pass. “With suchinducement,” says Randall, “I made sure I did my bit.”Usually, this is followed by … “and the rest is history …” but we would be remiss not to allow Randall to share how this legacy from his father has found expression in his life, to today. His story offers much to interest you.