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Life Planning

Share your talents and passions


Kim Potgieter

Kim Potgieter

January 21, 2015

… and others will benefit

My daughter, Gabi who is eight, came to me and asked me to teach her how to knit.

I am ashamed to confess that when my mother wanted to teach me as a child, I resisted her suggestion … the outcome of this is that I had to admit to my own daughter I do not have the skill.

With both Gabi’s grannies having passed away, we no longer have the privilege of knitting tutors in the family! Never daunted, I set about finding a solution … and came across a lovely woman who this holiday has taught Gabi how to knit and embroider.

Gabi is now graciously teaching me to knit.

My husband loves woodwork and a while ago set up a workshop at home. I watch him share his love of wood with the children; as he teaches them how to make, among many things, the most beautiful trays, I have come to realise how important it is to share our talents with others.

It may be with your grandchildren or other people’s family, but share what you love so that your legacy can continue.

So, spread your wings, share your skills, pass on your passions, and savour the natural delights around you.

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