From Bucket lists to Balance (and bucket) Wheels

Kim Potgieter
Life Planning is the first and crucial step in Retiremeant™ Planning. With a solid and holistic Life Plan, you are able to visualise and write down what your life would look like if it turned out well. Once we have the answer to this question, we begin to look at how to invest your money to enable the life that you dream of living. With a solid life plan you become the master and money the enabler for achieving your life goals.
Have you considered what Retiremeant™ means to you and how you would ideally like to spend the second half of your life? Have you taken the Balance Test?
The Wheel of Balance
I am a strong believer that your Retiremeant™ should be a balanced one. This is your time to focus on the areas of your life that brings you true enjoyment and to make time for those areas of you life that may previously have been neglected.
The Wheel of Balance comprises eight components: work, giving back, relationships, money, learning, purpose, health and play. I firmly believe that no life – especially in Retiremeant™ – is meaningful without an element of each of these areas.
Imagine having all the money you need, but struggling with an unhealthy body, or not enjoying harmonious relationships within your family. We tend to immerse ourselves in our careers, with goals of wealth and status, but often have no sense of fulfillment or purpose in our daily tasks.
Retiremeant™ Planning has everything to do with balance! Finding a balance between the money you will need to fulfill your life goals, and living the best life you can!
If you would like to take the Balance Test hosted on the Retire Successfully web site, click on the link below. It only takes 10 minutes!
Have something to retire to – instead of waking up one morning to find yourself retired from a job.