Lighting the way – interpreting the Lantern exercise

Kim Potgieter
The Flame
The Flame represents our values.
My top two values are Inspiration and Authenticity. At first, I was uncertain how I could apply my values to what we’re going through with Covid-19. I have realised that to support my family, friends and clients, it is now more important than ever to be Inspirational and to remain Inspired. I am inspired to remind my circle that by feeling hope, we feel less fear. My value of Authenticity reminds me not to go into hiding, but to remain visible and to keep on sharing. It would be all worthwhile if I am able to help just one person by sharing my thoughts.
Protecting the Flame
Protecting the Flame refers to behaviours that support our values.
I protect my flame by keeping on trying to help others live their best life possible – even in this very difficult time.
People who support your values: These are the important people in your life; the people who love you for who you are; the people who support you and the people who help you along. These are the people who give you honest and holistic feedback; they tell you when you’ve messed up; and they love you still the same.
The Handle
The Handle represents the red flag. It alerts you when your behaviour does not align with your values. In this very stressful time, it’s so easy to judge how others are doing. When I find myself judging, I know that I’ve lost my way; and when I start binge watching Netflix, I know that I’m running away from who I’m meant to be.
Radiating light
Think back to a time when you lived your true values. Remember the warmth and the glowing feeling inside your heart. The light gives you hope and reminds that you that this will pass, and that you’ll want to be proud of who you are when you come out on the other side.