The power to decide

Kim Potgieter

Let me tell you, that none of this would be possible without the special women in my home supporting me and cheering me on – thank you Patience, Gabi and Florence.
The idea for Finance 4 Females came to me after Olwethu Leshabana interviewed me on her Instagram channel (@olwe2lesh.) It was the first time that I really experienced and saw for myself how powerful Instagram can be. But I also realised that this was not a project I wanted to do by myself. It is no secret that technology and social media channels are not my strong point, and I wanted the channel to be authentic and resonate with women across all age groups. I approached four very powerful and determined younger ladies at Chartered to join me on this journey. It was the perfect opportunity to join forces with the younger generation, and I knew that I had as much to learn from them, as they from me – a perfect mentor-mentee partnership.
Mona, Hayley, Gratitude and Tiffany have all honed their financial planning skills as part of the Chartered Family, and they each bring their own expertise to the table across the generations of the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s,with me filling the age-bracket of midlife and beyond.
F4F gives us the opportunity to live our passion and help women harness their financial knowledge and own their power. We want women to know that they do have the ability to change their money destinies, that they can achieve success with money and investing, and that they do have the power to take their equal place in the world.
Women across all ages and across different phases of life are encouraged to post their questions on the Instagram platform. We are all standing by to share our insight and advice. We would love for you to join our channel and see what we’re up to!
I have loved every step of this journey. It is so fulfilling to give-back in a way that makes sense to me; helping women (and men of course) to take control of their lives and their money, and to make their money work for them. I am so pleased with the wonderful response received on the eBook, and the support on the F4F initiative, that I am more inspired than ever to help people get back on track with their finances.
I truly believe that we are making a difference. Every post, every question answered and every single women reached, gets us one step closer to giving women the power to decide.
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