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Your Money Relationship

Living on Purpose


Kim Potgieter

Kim Potgieter

January 21, 2015
What does living on purpose mean? When we consider our health, our relationships, our leisure and commit to give back, to learn, to keep our work in balance and to use our money wisely, we are living, not by accident, but on purpose, thereby ensuring that our lives hold value and that we will leave a meaningful legacy.

As I think of the political and social changes in our beautiful country, I would like us to reflect on our freedom … the freedom to choose, the freedom to direct our own destinies, our freedom to make of our lives something purposeful.

I love to hear stories from my clients who have made a decisive change to their lives to ensure they live on purpose.  I recently enjoyed a flight over Plettenberg Bay with one of our clients.  He took stock of his life and realised that the best use of his time was to enjoy life with his wife in a beautiful part of the country.  He still employs some of his time in creating an income, but not at the cost of immersing himself in the enjoyment of every moment … he is living on purpose. 

I have always told myself that I would stop working in my current capacity the day that I felt it was a job.  For me, it is a purpose – one in which I help others recognise the purpose in their lives. 

This is what I wish for each of our clients.

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